I’ve been unfortunate to hear nightmare stories of athletes reminiscing of past gym/box experiences where they were told to warm-up on their own or have the same general warm-up or two no matter what the class or training demanded. When we look at the “whiteboard”, the most overlooked, misunderstood, and arguably the most important part of class, training, or working out is the warm-up. The warm-up is definitely not the sexy part of class, most of us want to skip ahead and just do the work. However, if done incorrectly it can compound and become detrimental to your continued development. Simply put, it isn’t enough just to “warm-up” and gets a bit of sweat going.
If done correctly, mindfully, with intention and repeatedly, it is a very valuable asset and it could be the missing link in your training. There is no better time to connect between athlete and coach and to emphasize the proper movement patterns, posture, mobility and stability requirements of training.
The warm-up is the ideal time for movement preparation and enhancement that can increase performance, create better movement efficiency, and prevent the potential for long-term injury. Aspects of a proper warm-up should contain the following:
• Specific To Training
• CNS Stimulus
• Movement Preparation
• Assessment & Diagnostic Tools
• Increase Heart Rate & Blood Flow
• Increase Mobility
• Challenge Stability
As coaches and athletes, we should pay as much attention, if not more so, to the warm-up / pre-activation portion of class or training in relation to any other work we do given the importance it has on the overall health and performance of our community.
Below is a series of videos highlighting drills that should be included in your warm-up protocols to ensure time spent in class is as effective as possible to set your athletes up for sustainable progress, continued success, and again, most importantly, to prevent injury.
As a coach, understand the demands that will be placed on your athletes. As an athlete, question the decisions made during the warm-up and whether they align with what is presented on the whiteboard.
Core Strength Engagement & Development – Dead Bug
Movement Patterns and Posture – Neural and Tactile Cuing
Midline Stability – Half Kneeling Position
Balance and Coordination – Utilizing Unstable Surface

March is the founder and owner of The Barbell Beauties which she started in 2015. She is from the Philippines and currently lives in beautiful Thailand with her American husband and daughter. She is an avid Crossfitter and has just started her journey into Muay Thai (kickboxing).